結婚前與結婚後有何不同 ( What is the difference after a lady is married with someone )*以下文章來自格友 售屋網Shirley 提供分享 結婚前 ( before marry ) > 往上往下看 ( please see↓)他:太好了!我期盼的日子終於來臨了!酒店兼職我都等不及了!He : Great , I have been waiting for a long time , now , it will come true soon.. I cannot 21世紀房屋仲介wait . 她:我可以反悔嗎?She : Can I change my mind ? 他:不,你甚至想都別想!sHe : No, don't think too 酒店打工much , it is impossible . 她:你愛我嗎?She : Do you love me ? 他:當然!He : Yes, of course .她:你會背叛我租房子嗎?She : Will you forsake me ? 他:不會,你怎麼會有這種想法?He : N0, I won't , why did you have the 房地產thinking ? 她:你可以吻我一下嗎?She : Can you kiss me ? 他:當然,決不可能只有一下!He : Yes, of course, I 景觀設計must do more 她:你有可能打我嗎?She : Will you assault and battery me ? 他:永遠不可能!He : It is 代償impossible forever . 她:我能相信你嗎?She : Can I believe you ? 結婚後 ( after marry ) > 從下往上看 ( 會場佈置please see↑)

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